Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing 24 - Refresh Your Blog

Well, here I am, late, late, late, to more things on a stick, but determined to at least get started before the finish date. I admit that I registered hoping that there would be a second round like there was last summer (hint, hint!) I found it much more relaxing to go through the 23 things during the summer when I am not so busy.

Nevertheless, I have updated my profile and changed my avatar. I changed the look of my page, deleted some gadgets and added a couple of new ones. Actually it was hard to change the look of my blog, and especially my avatar. Mostly, I just changed background and clothing and added a dog. I've been thinking about getting a dog, but will probably have to wait until my cats have passed on. They're 16 years old, and I'm sure they don't want a puppy in the house. I also worry about having to entertain a new canine friend. Cats are so self-sufficient; just right for someone who likes to sit and do crossword puzzles.

I checked to make sure that my blog was listed and that the link worked. So, I am ready to go!

This is the first time I have blogged since I finished Thing 23. I must admit that I really don't spend any time reading other blogs, either. I am sure that I will find some favorites, though, as I progress through the things. I would imagine that most everyone is ahead of me, at this point. I will also admit to being a "lurker." I sit back and read, but very seldom do I comment. I will try to do better this time around. I have enjoyed the occasional comments that others have directed my way.

Watch out world, see me blog!