Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing 14 - LibraryThing

I made an account on LibraryThing, added 7 books, and linked it to my blog on the right hand side. Some of my books were quite popular, others not so much. Actually, I can see using it just to keep track of the books I have read from the school library. I can think of a few students who might access it to see what is available. I thought that Brook Berg's librarything was a good example of some of the things that might be done.
I also read some of the group talk from Librarians Who LibraryThing. They had a very interesting discussion going about whether or not loving to read is a good reason for becoming a librarian. Evidently love of reading is not the reason many have become librarians. There were also threads on computer rage, odd things found in libraries, strange bookmarks, and many other more mundane library topics. My library is pretty boring compared to some others!

1 comment:

SAMMIE said...

Sandra, Happy to see you continuing 23 Things on a Stick. You are making great progress. Robin